
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Africa satellite orthographic.jpg
la gachette du Zaire

by Frantz Bataille

Joseph Kabila, the current president of the RDC, has a prisoner, but at the end of the day, he rather seems  to be the prisoner of his prisoner.

Everything begun on the 28 November of 2011 in the aftermath of the general elections. Having declared  himself the winner,  the incumbent president sworn  in a few days later in the military barracks. According to his main opponent,  the 81 year old  Etienne Tshisekedi,  that  proved enough  that  the run off  had   been stolen.  Joseph Kabila, the son  of the late Laurent Kabila killed in 2011, had to apply  the law of force to these elections considered marred by the Carter Center and  the CNEI,   the catholic conference. So labeled,  the 2011 election remains even  today  a national dispute issue and  threats again the  volatile peace in this big country  worn out  by still raging  skirmish  back to 1997,  the year Mobutu Sese Seko relinquished power.
Dr E. Tshisekedi
Joseph Kabila ,then  in his late thirties or early  forties, became in 2001, the youngest head of State in the world. Despite his lack of legitimacy and  fluency in French and Lingala- he was said to have been  born in Tanzania or Eastern Congo-,  turned out to be  as much corrupt as his father, nothwistanding   his promising beginnings and youthfulness.  Over the years his tenure was  clashing  with the main figures of the Congolese  opposition  among them   Mr Vital Kamerte  from the PPRD ( Parti du Peuple Pour la Reconsruction et la Democratie)  and  Jean Pierre  Bemba from the MLC ( Mouvement Pour la Liberation du Congo)…  but, his main rival  is still  Dr Etienne Tshisekedi, a kind of epic figure who epitomizes  the history of Africa, back to these exciting sixties, when the whole  Africa were dreaming of the sunny tomorrows  and the drums of happiness after a so long darkness.
Born and raised  in Kasai and very popular in  the Katanga and Kinshasa,  Dr Tshisekedi  had lived a live of hardships and martyr. He had spent as much time in jail, arrest house and exile, but his experience and his role in the independence years sound unique and colorful. Having dedicated his life to politics, and smiled so much to death, he believes himself that his mission is a kind of messiah like. “ I will fight to death … this is my last fight” claims this man turning now the 80s after having buried not only Kasa Vuvu and Patrice E. Lumumba, but also Mobuto SeSe Seko,  whose he has been three times PM and Kimla and his supporters  he was told to have sent  to death in 1965.
This  lively legend is still in house arrest. But people from America and the Black Diaspora want  to know more about him and  the current situation in the former Zaire.  The wealthiest of the poor countries OR THE POORER OF THE WEALTY COUNTRIES, Dr Tshisekedi says, need s good governance and the rule of laws. Unfortunately, the RDC is ruled by the goods to nothing. Mr. Kabila is confused by taking the crowd for the people...  this people wants me as their president. So, I am going until the end.”
In fact, ordinary people and famous at Nice or in Belgium continue to protest against this “masquerade” as  the founder of the UDPS ( in French: Union pour la Democratie et le Proges social) called the 2011 elections with a bloody aftermath.  The UDPS candidate has himself declared president. This situation is hanging over  the RCD as the Damocles’ sword.  Fighting has already resumed somewhere while street violence in Kinshasa keep blackening the future of this country of 46 million with so much diamond, cold and bauxite that living in the RDC is like sleeping on wealth and honey.

M. Tshisekedi wants the Congolese  people to have a better fate and  be the master of his  future.

February 13, 2013

North Miami, Fl


A  Miami -based medical doctor, Frantz Bataille is currently publishing  his blog : globeadventureshorizons. while doing research on sunlight and its application in medicine.

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