
Sunday, August 11, 2013




Ø  Education
Ø  Information
Ø  Inspiration
Ø  Vocation
Ø  Concentration
Ø  Transpiration

ere are the six  pillars of a successful life. Since the beginning of times, nothing has really changed. Today, when you enter MIT, Boston, Mass, Greek columns wrap buildings and amphitheaters,  as a mix of past and present combines to generate future’s feelings. Big or small learning centers talk to the past and future as well.
Education remains a lifetime process because of change and innovation. Whatever you think, information is the key, and as so , it has a price. No matter how it is transmitted, this  key is a tool and very often a weapon. It’s not always easy to get access through . Persistence and constancy are all you need sometimes. Never give up, according to an old saying.

If you can jump happily every morning from  bed under way  to work, you’re blessed. Adam’s curse does not cast upon you. You need few efforts to make a living, because as a worker, you ‘re called upon. That‘s all vocation is. You’re chosen! Ideas, genius, creative mindset, such are the inspirational characteristics. Although many argue that genius takes 10 % and 90% of transpiration, if you fell easiness and lightness while at work, believe it , your are not alone, angels are visiting you.

Don’t forget that dream is part of life. It is even a kind of virtual life. Your mission consists of making your dream come true. Your dream is like a living being about to be born. It’s your baby. Don’t abort it. Don’t kill it. If not , you will die. Nobody can steal your dream, because it is yours. The five pillars above will support and feed your dream. Only those pillars can resist earthquakes and turmoil.

Keep dreaming

........ YOURSELF
.........A STAR


Old and young at the same time, the US are still a country that is  reinventing  itself rather  with new life style than  politics. In the early 60s, coming from UK fog and Celtic myths, the Beatles were at the edge of driving their fans crazy. Next, the civic rights battle showed that America could face its challenge and revisit its history. There still exists some  left over racism  and some controversial about the Vietnam war. But, whatever the way history evolves, the US still fascinate and amaze. American thinkers call this attitude resiliency, which reminds somewhat the Greek phoenix.

Here are some pictures of  this never ending American saga

Pirates in Miami Beach ready.  I mean for touring the city 

She is fine with her hat at South Station, Boston, Mass

Calm down, baby. You're good looking

Andromaque, a woman that defies aging. Randolph,Mass

Innocent and attractive girls...

Nation wide TGI Fridays

A relaxing place, Starbucks Coffee, Lexington, NY NY

a Haitian party
Pirates' Boat at Miami Beach, Fl