Follow me Caffé
f you are in Manhattan, NY, NY, don’t
miss dropping in into Follow Me Caffé. A European like
bistrot on Lexington Ave. in Manhattan, Follow
Me used to house intimate and dating couple.
FOLLOW ME also invites you to taste its spicy dish fish while sipping beer and
coffee...follow me any way.
Good for diner by candle light. A good relaxing place. Lexington Ave is so long !
Dominican neighborhood, Washington Heights, NY, NY is home to thousands Dominicans who dance, eat and sing as if they were in the Malecon, this beautiful Santo Domingo seafront. A Dominican middle class is growing there while getting a bite of the big American apple.
Smokes on
kick off cuba
Wolgang Wunsh dreams of making Cuban children happy and famous through football. A man of heart and passion, he is about to vulgarize more and more soccer among the poor all over the world. Mr wunsh lives in Berlin.
The Children of Sekou
A Berlin- based proud VIP African, Cisse is a kind of paternalistic and wise
man who is able to solve everything. Living among his Guinean roots and
memories, he doesn’t think there was a
kind of golden age in Guinea bySekou Toure times. He still feels disappointed at the time Sekou
said no to general de Gaulle. Even though many African citizens were then proud, Mr Cisse has a mixed feeling about the Sekou
move. But history is history. Cisse tries now to reinvent himself and his
country along with many fellow countrymen

the Rwanda girl
-Where‘re you from? We’ve been asking to the barely
19 year- old girl who has been serving us?
-Where is your father?
-He died
-And your mother?
-She died
A silence fell and we’ve continued eating and she
serving at the Pelisson, Brussels
70 000 AMERICANs in Deutschland
What are they doing there ? They work, study and live there. Many stay after the war, we have been told. Rrecently at a cocktail party, contry music and drink remind us of the american presence in Berlin.
Roman ruins continue to feed our imagination and our feeling of past while marveling at some fading grandeur But when running into ordinary people, don’t overlook them, you never know
Buena fortuna, signore, greeted me that morning a young beggar with a smiling face. That was enough to overcome a kind of boring mood. It was so nice that I even glanced at the color of happiness
Better take the time to listen to
everybody. This was my best souvenir from Roma
is vibrant even when the weather is bad. People are biking, Some are sipping coffee at sidewalk bistorts, others
are jogging under the fall sky; while passersby
are moving fast aiming at something nobody knows, but every where the mood is a
joyful and relaxing one as if Berlin wants nothing else but live by its own standards.
fact, for a city a little bit ebullient, couples want to be different and live
a life on their own. I like to watch so many of them go hand in hand, a way to
say that being in love with each other is already a life time process. So, why waste
so much time in other boring endeavors?