
Saturday, January 18, 2014




 funny writer  had been speculating  on why  Senator John Mc Cain  had chosen  Sarah Palin as his VP candidate. “ Because of this Amazon like picture”, he told about this very feminist  photograph  with  a rifle ready for war on woman rights and sexism.  Nothing is less true.

A former pageant in 1984, Sarah Palin, born and raised in Alaska, keep embodying what mother Nature preserves as eternal and indestructible.  While venturing far away  in politics, Ms Palin presents and displays such eerie good  looking, that makes her see people through her landscapes and lasting snow and people see her as a hope of rebirth in politics.  She grows up over there to attend the renewal of life and the ballet of seasons. If politics remains a   back and forth play, she would be at ease in this Washington which looks like the Roman forum with its intrigues and  ambitions fight.

Ms Palin will open   nevertheless  the era of women in the US and the coming grace of this female power. No more women stuck at home and caring only for babies and meals. As fashion, women  brings always something new while keeping  their secrets in their pretty coats. Who knows how successful they could be in politics?  But, while dreaming of travelling as secretary of state or negotiating peace in the Middle East,  politicians do not listen Sarah Palin’s voice praising the fall of snow and how special Christmas time could be for this Alaska’s snow daughter.

In her book titled GOOD TIDINGS AND GREAT JOY, Harper Collins Books, 2013, Ms  Palin wish to save and protect the heart of Christmas. The Alaska former governor becomes homesick and nostalgic of her childhood in family when Christmas was there.  Good Tidings and Great joy remain the monopole of this time that witness the birth of God, sending through Santa Claus colorful wrapped gifts and chocolate for the surge  of light. All of this said on a backdrop of beliefs and American values. It is really heartening and reassuring  to hear her amazing and charming voice telling us : I’ve never have to dream of a white Christmas…growing up in Alaska, I didn’t have to imagine snow, concludes this snow  daughter once lured by Washington  and its ways.

Subject: Palin, the gift that keeps on giving.... 

This is the main reason McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his VP.

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