
Monday, September 2, 2013



                In the Haitian  countryside, whatever their age, people keep dying without         knowing why, especially children.


Most of   the time, given the strength of the African traditions, death is usually attributed to malevolent people or the revenge of some angry spirit. So, people keep dying despite progress and the extent of science which is supposed to have bettered their conditions.

This morning, however, as I had left this hospital settled in Pt-a-Piment, far away in the South the  coasts of which bathe at the sea level, I also  left some patients, among them a woman , a poor one, along with her severely ill child. I was fed up at having seen so much suffering and so much passing. Roaming a while into the mountains nearby would bring some relief.

But, I was  a little bit afraid. A child very sick was supposed to keep me from wondering in the mountains smelling good by this April afternoon. I grew more and more anxious because children die even in the most glamorous mornings. An experienced country doctor, Dr Shubert Lamothe, a well known  and respected one, used to try his best to help our patients.  Sometimes so much care , so much effort paid off; but other times, medicine remained fruitless.  There are always some boundaries that medicine cannot cut across. “Alas”, Dr Lamothe used to whisper.

So, before heading to the mountains surrounding the village  where you can see a marvelous horizon  from, I resumed  the same ritual along with Dr Lamothe. As usual that consists of setting up IV and cold bathing when patients were feverish. The child was crying in a very feeble tone. His eyes were looking at the ceiling while showing a kind of deathlike glow. The skin’s had little strength and kept the wrinkle. Signs of impending death.

“Let us make our duty” Dr Lamothe said to me. I really value this quiet and wise man in his mid forties whose reputation went away in the mountains. Peasants, urban people, every one in this remote Southern town trusted Dr Lamothe, my very gentle senior. He was respected all around.
What do you think? I asked him. He shrugged off while smiling and added” Take it easy” we did all we’re supposed to do. The baby still cried, but his eyes didn’t show its deadly glow any longer. Later, I headed to the mountains. It was 3.PM.

The sun was setting. A light breeze  blew by this afternoon. From the heights  of a hill, I watched a landscape set up with the huge blue sea, engulfing deeply the coasts. Here and there smoke rose from poor thatched cottage. What a stillness! What a peace! at this time life got as usual some standstill.The rural and dust-loaded  panorama displayed some natural grandeur. Even the roads grew empty. Cows seem to greet this peaceful moment.
However, I could no longer enjoy the uniqueness of this time. I was thinking of the baby whose eyes  showed so much death shadow. Human beings, doctors especially are powerless in front of death; it is the most incongruous visitor nobody can wave. What a beautiful dusk! How much wonderful life is on earth! the sun was about to be swallowed by the waves. But, I still thinking of our baby. I hurried back to the hospital.
I walked all down the mountain at a run, leaving behind the magical landscape and its glamorous sunset. Never would I see again this mix of water and light. On my way back, I met peasants coming from the public market. How is the baby doing? I asked myself.
Was he doing well? I kept thinking of him while rushing to the town.
Suddenly , a woman ran into me. It was the woman  that I had left in the hospital, along with  the baby. It was her mother In this coming twilight the woman urged to back home before darkness. I noticed she was nearing empty handed. My heart missed a beat, and started beating up. Where was the baby/ What had happened?

-Where is baby ? I prompted to ask when  we were close.
-Here’s, pointing at a hand- crafted  basket she  wore above the head.
-Lower the basket, I ordered.
Then, what I saw will be unforgettable. Never before did I see such a picture. The child laid aside foods and clothes was well alive, sucking his thumb. He was smiling, full of life. He was like a candle in the ongoing night. Smiling with happiness and peace.
Our baby was safe.e was lH

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