Perched at more than 4000 feet above the
sea in the far Haitian South,
Macaya Mountains remain so far the
land of winds, clouds, emptiness and mysteries. It is still a region which
defies men and their techniques. However, a few have attempted to
defy the Macaya at least three times as far as one can
Deep in the Makaya
First of all came the Natives. Like
American Indians whose tradition and habits are strongly rooted to
the natural world, Haitian Indians which give the country its name, believed
that when passing they went into those mountains to live on and enjoy an
endless life while eating abricots, a
juicy fruit. Haitian Indians who worship the sun and so many things in nature,
are not very different from Mexican Mayas and Andean primitive people living
in South America. Around the 16th century,
civilization arrived by sea along with the Spanish
people. It was the beginning of the end to the Indian
golden age all over the Americas.
Today the Haitian Macaya want to tell
a story on its own
Valentino The Winter fire
Why do dying people long so much for
light? It still is an unanswered question.
Valentino's death |
This is not a
bedridden actor who would overwhelm our doubts. Close to
death, the handsome and most famous lover of all times, Rudolpho
Valentino, was struggling to survive. Still young barely in the
early fifties, Valentino lay in a quiet hospital room surrounded as
well with silence as morning sunlight. While stopping his friend
from lowering the curtains, he whispered what would be his last words:
“ I want the morning sunlight to greet
me” tears filling his eyes.
Then a few moments later he passed away.
The Mediterranean Sea still has a story
on its own. It's about fighting, snowing, escaping and blood bathing.
This story is still on.
A landlocked sea, hence its name, the
Mediterranean, the size of the Caribbean, sprawls around three continents.
Europa, Africa and Asia. Everything seems to revolve around it; no other
sea unites so many peoples, witnesses so many civilizations’ fall and
Their names echo even in our times:
Lisbon, Roma, Cairo, and Carthage. But, more than for history’s
ghosts, today’s vacationers in search of respite and exoticism love the
Mediterranean for its geographical features. Inhabitants living here called it
Mare Nostrum according to the Roman way. Actually viewed from
Egypt’s, or Spain’s coasts, the Mediterranean seems to belong to every city or
state though belonging to all of them. It is such an ambiguity which would
create and shape the future of this part of an otherwise huge ocean.
Nowadays the Mediterranean hosts people
fleeing Middle eastern wars, and very soon, something no longer Mediterranean
would settle there, paving the way for an unexpected history.
Sic Gloria transit mundi
The yellowish glow of candlelight makes
skin tones appear more warmer and smoother, I read a few weeks ago. Candlelight
also produces a lovely sparkle in your partner’s eyes, close to
Candlelight usually fights the dark and
adds to the mystery of love, doesn’t it? Night is an accomplice not
only for petty crime but also for romantic mood. Next time, you are dating some
one, don’t forget to do it at night. There is more energy release
because desire is mixing with a kind of sexual dream. Even
closing eyes make things more complete with energy at its best.
Wonderful observer of humankind
he was, Shakespeare realized that most people prefer make love at night, and
usually in the dark. Why do people prefer make love at night , often
with their eyes closed? Ostrich politics, some connoisseur think
lovers love candle light, this text adds
L'important,c'est la rose.
La politique ayant aussi sesfantasmes,les governements, les artistes, les hommes politiques, les
groupements humains se servent de symboles
pour transmettre leur message. Lors de son avènement au pouvoir,, François
Mitterrand a remonté les Champs Elysées, une rose à la main,
arrachant des larmes à Pierre Mendes France, une figure historique du PS, Le
candidat à la députation haïtien, Michel Clérié a produit une charrue comme
emblème, la Turquie a toujours eu ses tulipes.
Thomas Desulmé avait choisi d’afficher
un taureau sur ses bulletins,.Michel Martelly choisit une rose, d’ailleurs, l’important c’est
la rose, dit la chanson. Et encore le globe repose –t-il beaucoup plus
sur des fleurs que sur toute autre chose…
La Dolce Vita berlinoise
The Kudam |
Berlin est la ville des possibles,
lit-on quelque part. A cote de l'économie traditionnelle, il s'est développé ce
qu'on appelle ici l'économie culturelle. Le coût de la vie varie très peu pour
ne pas dire qu'il n'est pas trop élevé ou pas élevé du tout. On prend au moins
le temps de vivre en Europe. Et on chante, et fait de la peinture pour vivre.
Et puis, il y a quand
même des vocations nouvelles. Le Guinéen Cisse est passe du design aux
investissements chez lui en Afrique après avoir côtoyé depuis plus de 40
ans tout ce qui a un nom à Berlin.
Arno, un allemand est parti cette semaine pour la Grèce ou il copossède une
plantation d'olive. Arno est ingénieur de formation. Il à découvert Cuba et
avec sa femme est devenu amoureux de l'ile caraïbe.
Berlin est aussi la ville des artistes
et des restaurants et bistrots en plein air.
pour finir, la dolce Vita berlinoise
transpire dans ces lignes que voici.
"Ici, les gens ne sont pas
stressés, ils prennent leur temps et se laissent un peu porter par la vie. La
ville inspire de nombreux artistes : la plupart des personnes que je connais
ont développé un projet personnel et vivent une double vie à côté de leur
boulot. L’un est chanteur et se produit dans les bars, l’autre est devenue
guide dans les dédales de rues, celui-ci fait des émissions à la radio,
celle-ci s’est mise à réaliser ses propres créations qu’elle vend sur le marché
aux puces, et cet autre encore vient de terminer son premier bouquin."
Berlinskibeat |